Some consider etiquette to be an old fashioned word. It brings up memories of the good old days when everyone knew their place and acted accordingly. Etiquette is so much more than what fork to use for the salad course or where to put your napkin. In the ever changing modern work environment, basic etiquette can teach you how to deal with almost any situation that comes your way.
Etiquette is really about respect and leadership, taking the time to put people at ease, evaluating the needs and intentions of others and thinking before you act. Etiquette builds better relationships, aids in communication, and helps us present ourselves with confidence. 74 pages of good stuff.
Book 2 In The Canadian Business Etiquette E-Book Series
Etiquette is good business.  That's because etiquette is all about communicating well.  And modern business - with email, fax, voicemail, video and other rapidly developing technologies - is all about communication.
P's & Q''s for Profit is a complete guide to the business of effective and polite communication.  Starting with basic body language and presentation, the book takes readers through the job interview, written communication business meeting etiquette and how to deal with mixed social and business functions.
P's & Q's for Profit is the second book in the Canadian Business Etiquette E-Book Series'.  Also available are book one Power Suit, Power Lunch, Power Failure and book three Pass the Promotion, Please!
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ISBN 1-894283-21-X ©2010 COCC.  All rights reserved.
CivilityExperts.Com - Elements adapted with permission CECW